Place down your bedroll first, then type $bed to travel back to it.
1 min
Same as bed, but sets a temporary waypoint
Returns you to where you used /home
/calladmin <message>Send a ticket with your message to the Admin Team.–
Receive a random reward.
60 min
Receive 2 goldenrod tea.
60 min
Receive 2 blueberry pie.
60 min
Receive your vote certificate and deadbucks reward for voting for the DeadZone server at
Once every day
Instantly heals a broken leg.
60 min
Instantly heals a broken arm
60 min
/who <1-500>
Find out who has been in a certain radius around your current location. Choose a smaller value for more accurate results.
Find out how long until the next horde night.
Give all players a steak dinner and smoothie
Give all players 100x 7.62 HP ammo
Give all players 100x 7.62 AP ammo
Give all players 100x 9mm ammo
Give all players 100x 44 ammo
Give all players a gift box
Give all players a Peach Pie
Give all players Libby’s lunch
Waypoint Commands
Timeout / Cooldown
All players can create 5 waypoints. Donate to the server to increase the number of waypoints you can make.
/settele <name>
Creates a waypoint at your location.
/tele <name>
Travel to your saved waypoint.
1 min
/removetele <name>
Delete the waypoint.
/renametele <old><new>
Change the name of your waypoint.
/telepublic <name>
Toggle your waypoint to public so that all players can access it.
/teleprivate <name>
Toggle your waypoint to private so that only you can access it (this is the default setting for new waypoints).
Request a list of all of your waypoints, including their public / private status.
/listtele public
Request a list of all known public teleports across the server.
Vehicle Commands – If vehicles are enabled
Vehicles must remain locked in order to be able to use these commands. Please ensure that you have locked your vehicle if it has temporarily been inside your backpack inventory.
/gv bicycle
Retrieve your bicycle
/gv bike
Retrieve your minibike
/gv motorcycle
Retrieve your motorcycle
/gv jeep
Retrieve your jeep
/gv gyrocopter
Retrieve your gyrocopter
Shop Commands
Timeout / Cooldown
/balance /wallet
Find out how many Deadbucks you have.
The server will pm you the /shop details. Purchases can be made directly from there and will go into your backpack inventory.
If you have made a purchase from the website, use this command to receive your item(s). Item(s) should go directly into your backpack inventory. More than 10 items require a repeat use of the /claim command.
List all of the items purchased in the website version of the shop, but not yet claimed in game.
Other Commands
Timeout / Cooldown
Travel to the central hub. A safe area with traders, resource pits and communication of important server information / updates.
1 min
Travel to a safe, compact, hotel-style accomodation for all players. Players offline for 14 days may have their rooms cleared.
1 min
A safe area within the /spawn with lots of helpful information about our rules and server commands.
1 min
A community building, designed for players to group up and kill zombies together.
1 min
A community building, designed for players to set up a shop to sell items
1 min
Spawn a group of screamers at killzone. Keep them alive so that they will call in 3 waves of zombies.
250 DB
10 min
Public Teleports:
When you make a public teleport, please ensure that you name it something unique, not something others would use (definitely NOT “home”).