These classes are to provide your character with a starting bonus. The class you choose will NOT limit the future development of your character.
Mad Scientist (Robotician) Class Book
The solution to the undead? The unliving, robots.
Armor: Hazmat (Mask, Jacket, Gloves, Pants, Boots), Crafty Glasses, Shirt
Books: Tech Junkie Robotic Damage, Tech Junkie Hydraulics, Tech Planet x10
Items: Robotic Turret, Robotic Turret Ammo x50, Robotic Sledge, Stun Baton,
——–Beaker, Ratchet, First Aid Kit, Plaster Cast, Boiled Water x2, Fish Tacos x2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-Lots of ammo———–|—————————Turret does low damage
—————-Glasses add +1 to craft level—–||——-Sledge is slow
Harry Westwood (Bike Cop) Class Book
Lance Armstrong ain’t got nothing on you.
Armor: Military (Vest, Gloves, Leg, Boots), SWAT Helmet, Shorts, T-Shirt
———-Tough Guy Sunglasses, Dyes for clothes
Books: Pistol Pete Maintenance, Pistol Pete Maximum Damage, Handgun Magazine x10
Items: Pistol, 9mm Ammo x15, Pipe Baton, First Aid Kit, Plaster Cast, Steroids, Bicycle,
——–Glazed Doughnut x4, Jelly Doughnut x4, Sprinkles Doughnut x4, Iced Coffee x2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-Pistol—————————————————–Low ammo
—————-Military armor————————————–Not a lot of food
Suit (‘Cleaner’) Class Book
A former mafioso cleaner has the necessary skills to clean the world of the undead.
Armor: Suit Jacket, Suit Pants, Dress Shoes, Shirt, Tough Guy Sunglasses
Books: Magnum Damage, Magnum Apparel, Silencer Schem, Handgun Magazine x10
Items: .44 Magnum, .44 Ammo x15, Bottle of Acid, Lockpicks x25, First Aid Kit,
—-–—Plaster Cast, Boiled Water x2, Chili Dog x2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-Magnum———————————————–Low ammo
—————-Lockpicks———————————————-No armor
Musclehead (Warrior) Class Book
Muscleheads are at most home up close and personal, knee deep in the dead.
Lacerate and rupture, until it is complete.
Armor: Steel (Helmet, Chest, Gloves, Leg, Boots)
Books: Bar Brawling Basic Moves, Bar Brawling Boozed Up, Furious Fists x10
Items: Beer x10, Iron Knuckles, First Aid Kit, Plaster Cast, Boiled Water x2,
——–Chicken Ration x2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-Strong armor————————||————–No bandages
—————-Good melee fighter——————————No ranged weapon
Bushwhacker (Sniper) Class Book
Bushwhacking scumbags of a delicate constitution prefer to pick off zombies from a
safe distance where the rot won’t turn their stomachs.
Armor: Ghillie (Hood, Jacket, Pants), Military Stealth Boots, Night Vision Goggles
Books: Sniper Damage, Sniper Crippling Shot, Rifle World x10
Items: Sniper Rifle, 7.62 Ammo x15, First Aid Kit, Plaster Cast, Boiled Water x2,
——–Can Beef x2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-Sniper rifle———————————————Low ammo
—————-Ghillie suit—————————————-
Frogman (Treasure Hunter) Class Book
There’s lots of treasure to be found, and you’re well equipped to find it.
Armor: Scuba Mask, Skull Cap, Puffer Coat, Gothic Boots, Sweatshirt, Hazmat Pants
Books: Great Heist Gems, Scrapping 4 Fun X10
Items: Iron Spear, Iron Fireaxe, Repair Kit x5, Iron Shovel, Claude’s Treasure Map,
——–Flashlight,–First Aid Kit, Plaster Cast, Boiled Water x2, Meat Stew X2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-Iron tools———————————————–No armor
—————-Repair kits———————————–|———No cool clothes
Ferron (Blacksmith) Class Book
Smithing is a essential skill for any survivor. Make the best armor and tools available.
Armor: Leather (Hood, Chest, Gloves, Legs, Boots), Poncho, Gothic Pants
Books: Forge Ahead x20
Items: Hammer, Forge, Repair Kits x5, Iron Pipe x5, Glue x2, First Aid Kit, Plaster Cast,
——–Boiled Water x2, Charred Meat x2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-Starts with forge——————||—————Weak armor
—————-Can quickly make pipe gun—–|||——-No ammo
Merry Man (Bowman) Class Book
Become a silent killer. Pick off zombies without alerting others to your presence.
Armor: Padded (Hood, Chest, Gloves, Legs, Boots)
Books: Ranger Arrow Recovery, Night Stalker Archery, Bow Hunters x10
Items: Primitive Bow, Steel Arrows x50, Machete, First Aid Kit, Plaster Cast,
——–Boiled Water x2, Shepard’s Pie x2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-Can kill silently—————-|——————-Primitive bow
—————-Lots of steel arrows———–||—————-Weak armor
Yosemite Bam (Gunslinger) Class Book
"Goodbye, varmint!" you taunt as you eke out your (dis)honest living liberating the
possessions from the leathery undead.
Armor: Flannel Shirt, Gothic Pants, Leather Poncho, Cigar, Cowboy Hat, Cowboy Boots
Books: Pistol Pete Swiss Knees, Pistol Pete Steady Hand, Bandolier Schematic
Items: Pipe Pistol, 9mm Ammo x25, Hunting Knife, First Aid Kit, Plaster Cast,
——–Boiled Water x2, Bacon & Eggs x2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-More ammo——————————————Slower gun
—————-Hunting knife—————-|||———————No armor
Dr. Paine (Physician) Class Book
The Doctor is in.
Armor: Suit Jacket, T-shirt, Suit pants, Worn Boots, Dyes for clothes
Books: Lucky Looter Medical, Wasteland Treasures Honey, Medical Journal x10
Items: Painkillers x5, First Aid Bandage x5, First Aid Kit x5, Plaster Cast x2,
——–Antibiotics x2, Boiled Water x2, Vegetable Stew x2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-First aid kits and bandages—————-No armor
—————-Antibiotics———————————–|——–No weapons
Caird (Tinker) Class Book
Jack of all trades, master of none
Armor: Padded (Hood, Boots), Plant Fiber Gloves, Sweatshirt, Denim Pants
Books: Knife Guy x10, Handy Land x5
Items: Taza’s Stone Axe, Workbench, Wrench, Hammer, Paint Brush, Paint x 500,
——–Wire Tool, First Aid Kit, Plaster Cast, Boiled Water x2, Pumpkin Cheesecake x2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-Workbench——————————–||———Weak armor
—————-Selection of tools–|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|—–No ranged weapon
Old MacDonald (Farmer) Class Book
I’ve been a farmer all my life. Not gonna stop because of no-account zombies.
Armor: Plant Fiber Hat, Tough Guy Sunglasses, Flannel Shirt, Overalls, Running Shoes
Books: Southern Farming x10
Items: Grass Cutter V2, Seed Packet, Farm Plot Block x15, First Aid Kit, Plaster Cast,
——–Boiled Water x2, Corn Bread x2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-Starts with all seeds—————————-No armor
—————-Can start farming immediately——|—No weapons
Hobo (Nomad) Class Book
Be prepared! The hobos of the post-apocalypse make their living off the scraps
of our dead civilization.
Armor: Football Helmet, Cigar, ZU Fan Shirt, Shorts, Worn Boots, Helmet Light Mod,
——–Leather Duster
Books: Lucky Looter Food, Batter Up Big Hits, Big Hitters x10
Items: Baseball Bat, First Aid Kit, Plaster Cast, Boiled Water x2, Hobo Stew x2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-Baseball bat——————|———————-No ranged weapon
—————-Hobo stew———————————————No armor
Bob the builder (Builder) Class Book
Can we build it? Yes we can! Bob’s motto: the best defense is a good defense.
Contractor’s licence not included.
Armor: Leather (Chest, Gloves, Leg, Boots), Mining Helmet
Books: Tools Digest x10, Handy Land x5
Items: Iron Fireaxe, Iron Pickaxe, Nailgun, Helmet Light Mod, First Aid Kit, Plaster Cast,
——–Boiled Water x2, Can Lamb x2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-Iron tools——————-|————————–Weak armor
—————-Nailgun————————————————-No ranged weapon
Player (Vanilla) Class Book
You are a Vanilla player and just want to start with the basics.
Armor: Scrap Armor (Helmet, Chest, Gloves, Leg, Boots)
Books: Shotgun Messiah Damage, Wasteland Treasures Honey
Items: Pipe Shotgun, Shotgun Shell x50, Helmet Light Mod, First Aid Kit, Plaster Cast,
——–Boiled Water x2, Can of Salmon x2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-Pipe shotgun———————|——————Slow to shoot/reload
—————-Lots of ammo————————————
Marc Dinarius (Mecenary) Class Book
Show me the money!
Armor: Military (Helmet, Vest, Gloves, Leg, Boots), BDU Top, BDU Bottoms
Books: Automatic Weapons Damage, Tactical Warfare X10
Items: Tactical Assault Rifle, 7.62 Ammo x15, First Aid Kit, Plaster Cast, Boiled Water x2,
——–Can Beef x2
—————-Pro———————————————————Con——————————————–View Class
—————-Assault Rifle——————————|———–Low ammo
—————-Full military gear———————————-No melee weapon
Pictures below provided for reference